How does smoking affect your lungs .People generally think that smoking and tobacco consumption are only harmful to the lungs. But it harms the whole body. Today’s lifestyle invites a variety of problems including habits like unhealthy behaviour, neglect of physical and mental health, running after money for health. Smoking in this lifestyle only adds to the problems. Tobacco consumption and smoking are also causing serious cancers in humans. Not only that, but the reality is that it also damages the heart and brain.
Smoking damages the heart as well as the lungs
The tobacco industry is linked to 25 diseases. By chewing or smoking tobacco products, toxic chemicals enter the human body and not only that, but now many new forms of tobacco addiction like hookah are reaching the youth. In this situation, it is very important to make people aware of the health hazards and correct information about tobacco.
How does smoking affect your heart rate
Tobacco and its products are linked to many types of cancer. In addition, tobacco and smoking damage the heart and blood vessels. According to Dr Srinath Reddy in an article in Indian Express, more people in the world die from heart and vascular diseases than from cancer due to tobacco and smoking.
Tobacco Smoking damage blood vessels
Tobacco smoking releases many chemicals into the human body. Among them, nicotine, carbon monoxide, especially works to damage blood vessels. While nicotine constricts blood vessels, carbon monoxide damages artery walls. Smoking lowers the beneficial HGL cholesterol and increases the harmful LDL.
Smoking and tobacco use increase the risk of diabetes and heart attack
Smoking and tobacco use increase the risk of diabetes and heart attack by raising triglyceride levels and contributing to blood clotting. Due to deterioration of blood vessels, unwanted substances gradually begin to accumulate. People who act to stop blood flow when it is high, are more likely to have a heart attack. Not only that, but smoking makes blood clotting proteins more active, which causes platelets to clump together. This results in blood clotting.
long-term effects of smoking on the heart
Smokers suffer heart attacks 7 to 10 years earlier than non-smokers. The risk is twice as high in men who smoke. Smoking increases the risk of heart disease and heart attack, blockage of blood vessels, irregular heartbeat, which greatly increases the chances of death due to cardiac arrest.
Smoking increase the stroke also brain attack
Blood clots caused by smoking directly increase the risk of stroke, also known as brain attack. This clot works by blocking the blood supply. In such a situation, the chances of the blood supply to the brain being cut off are greatly increased. Also, smoking can cause bleeding in the cerebrospinal fluid due to rupture of the arteries that supply blood to the brain. Due to which a type of hemorrhagic condition occurs.
Stopping tobacco use reduces the risk of heart disease
There are many active and passive ways tobacco use can damage the heart and nerves. Being close to a smoker exposes other people’s lungs to the smoke that the smoker exhales. This smoke is more harmful. That is, passive smoking is more harmful than active smoking and such people have all the harms associated with smoking. Stopping tobacco use reduces the risk of heart disease and cardiovascular disease within one year.
ALSO READ: Beware of smoking and drinking! This scary research has come out about cancer
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