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What Happened to Ryan Grantham’s Mother?


Ryan Grantham, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid actor, was sentenced to life in prison for murdering his birth mother.

Grantham was convicted guilty of murdering his mother, Barbara Waite, in March 2020. On March 31, 2020, the 64-year-old was shot in the back of the head at her Squamish home, which is located just north of Vancouver.

After the plee, the Riverdale star was sentenced to life in prison on September 21, Wednesday by the British Columbia Supreme Court.

What Happened to Ryan Grantham’s Mom?

When Grantham was 21 years old, he went to conduct this violent deed as his mother was playing the piano.

According to the most recent information, the 24-year-old will not be parole eligible for at least another 14 years.

The event has had a negative impact on Grantham’s sister, Judge Kanthleen Ker was quoted as saying by the source. The effect on the little girl can be described as “life-shattering.” She went on to say that Grantham didn’t go on a binge because he took the consequences of his actions seriously enough. Lisa Grantham, his sister, was featured in the article about their family’s tragedy; she had found their mother dead on April 1, and had described her as her best friend. The one who had to wait was a former cancer patient who was fighting for his or her life.

The media said that Lisa was defenseless since Ryan had given her no weapons. “It bothers me so badly to know that he is a threat to my life,” she added to the informant.

The sister of Lisa and Wait is currently worried that Grantham will be released from prison. Yet, there is currently no indication that the standard sentence for second-degree murder will be reduced.

Between 10 and 25 years in jail, Grantham would have been parole eligible at first. Prosecutors here were attempting to secure a sentence of at least 18 years in prison. But, Grantham’s legal team suggested that 12 years was a reasonable compromise. The decision announced this week shows that Ker did indeed comply.

Grantham has been incarcerated for the past two and a half years, during which time he has attended mental health sessions. Vancouver police have verified the former star has been sent to a more permanent institution.

Looking at the actor’s behavior, it’s clear that he was not a typical human being; he often viewed extreme acts of violence on the underground web, and then shot his own mother.

The introduction of mental treatment for the child in the correctional facility has resulted in a notable improvement in the child’s conduct. Ker once again divulged the details.

Attorney Chris Johnson stated that Grantham did not undergo shock therapy while incarcerated.

I believe Grantham is anxious about the situation as a whole and the penalty he received from the judge. He’s a youngster, so I imagine he’s terrified by the idea of going to jail. However, Ker is indicating the same thing by saying he does not advocate for the maximum security Grantham facility.

Ryan Grantham not only planned to murder his mother, but he was also arming himself with three firearms in preparation for a possible assassination attempt on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Grantham reportedly traveled to Tridue’s cabin on the Rideau with a dozen Molotov cocktails, ammo, and camping gear.

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Then he changed his mind and took a detour away from Trideau’s estate, surrendering instead to Vancouver’s police headquarters. Grantham’s list of potential mass shooting locations in Vancouver also included the famous Lions Gate Bridge and Simon Fraser University. The discovery of Grantham’s notebook revealed these unrealized goals and plans. Crown attorney Michaele Donnelly presented various psychiatric records indicating the actor from Becoming Redwood had experienced severe bouts of mental depression before to the crime.

According to CBC, Ryan Grantham’s mental health was poor to the point where he was routinely encouraged to commit suicide, either of himself or others. He simply killed his mother so that she wouldn’t have to see him in such a sorry state before he committed his many acts of violence.

He admitted to killing his mother on camera while standing over Waite’s body, as was later discovered. After meticulously setting up the body like a religious tableau, he hit the road the following day.

Grantham apologized for his actions in March 2022. Grantham told Justice Ker and the Vancouver court, “A sorry seems worthless in the face of what I did, but from the deepest part of my heart, I am sorry.”

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