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In today’s digital age everyone has more than one account in different bank. Some people even open their account in two or three banks for no apparent reason. Now opening a bank account has become very easy.

Now that account opening has become very easy, you can open an account from the mobile application as well as from the website sitting at home. You can complete all the facilities of the bank sitting at home and establish your identity through a video called Video Kyc. Today we will tell you the advantages of having a separate bank account.

Most of the banks provide you with very different features like locker, insurance premium debit card, credit card and more. Also, some online websites offer discounts from time to time to their customers as per their contracts with their banks. So that the customer can save money.

The bank provides certain limits for withdrawing money from ATMs. But having an account in a separate bank allows you to withdraw money instantly, a benefit that is very popular today.

Some people raise funds for their higher education as well as for foreign travel. So some people have to open an account with their family to bring in daily expenses and balance and then individual has to open another account.

Different banks offer different offers and schemes to their customers on their online websites. To take advantage of this, many people open accounts in more than one bank.

A maximum of Rs 5 lakh is insured in a bank by the Reserve Bank of India and there is no liability of the bank in case of excess, so some people feel safe by depositing their money in more than one bank.

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