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There was a sudden drop in the price of the iPhone 12! People flocked to shop with a bumper discount of Rs 25,000

There is an electronics sale on Flipkart. The sale will run till June 26. In the sale, huge discounts are being given on smartphones, smart TVs and many electronic products. There is a lot of craze among people about iPhone. But one cannot buy because it is expensive. Today the iPhone 12 can be bought very cheaply. You can get iPhone 12 (128GB) for just Rs 45,499 for Rs 70,900 thousand. Let’s learn how

Flipkart Electronics Sale: iPhone 12 (128GB) Offers & Discounts

The price of iPhone 12 (128GB) is Rs 70,900. But it is available on Flipkart for Rs.58,999. 24,999 is Rs. That is, a complete discount of Rs 11,901 is being offered. But there are many bank and exchange offers, which will bring down the price of the phone.

Flipkart Electronics Sale: iPhone 12 (128GB) Bank Offers

If you pay with SBI credit card to buy the iPhone 12 (128GB), you will get a discount of Rs 1,000, which is Rs 57,999 for the phone. After this there is an exchange offer, due to which the price of the phone will come down significantly.

Flipkart Electronics Sale: iPhone 12 (128GB) Exchange Offer

iPhone 12 (128GB) for Rs. There is an exchange offer of 12,500. If you exchange your old smartphone then you can get a lot of discount. But you will get a discount of Rs 12,500 only if your old phone is in good condition and the model is latest. If you manage to get the full discount, the phone will cost Rs 45,499.

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