The Great” is a historical drama series that premiered on Hulu. The show is a unique take on Catherine the Great’s reign as Russia’s longest-ruling female leader. The Great “is a well-written, well-acted series that is worth watching. It provides a novel perspective on a historical period that is usually romanticized in popular culture, and its satirical edge differentiates it from other historical dramas. Fans are looking forward to hearing when the third season will be released.
The Great Season 3 Release Date
Hulu announced on Wednesday that The Great Season 3 will premiere on Friday, May 12, 2023, with all ten episodes available at the same time. The streamer has also shared a first peek image, which can be seen above.
According to the official logline, Catherine Fanning and Nicholas Hoult’s Peter “try to make their marriage work after some seemingly insurmountable challenges” in Season 3. “Peter witnessed his own attempted murder at the hands of Catherine, who also imprisoned all of his pals. On top of that, Peter is bored with being Catherine’s First Husband, so he entertains himself with fathering, hunting, and salty culinary efforts. Yet they aren’t enough to keep him happy as memories of his late father (played by Jason Isaacs) haunt him about his failures as Peter the Great’s son.”
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Meanwhile, “Catherine the Great begins to make a name for herself beyond her boundaries and, inspired by a visit from the American ambassador, meets a conference where peasants, nobles, and merchants may all contribute to the development of a new Russia,” according to the logline. “She learns that even the strongest political leaders must sometimes make concessions in order to go forward.”
How to Watch the Great Season 3
The Great is a Hulu original series, so US viewers can only watch it if they have a Hulu subscription. Hulu can be accessible in a variety of ways, including as a standalone service, as part of the Disney Bundle, or by combining it with live TV by purchasing Hulu with Live TV.
The Great Season 3 Trailer
There is currently no trailer for Season 3 of The Great. We are now uploading a trailer for Season 2 on this page.
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