The Brazilian web series Stupid Wife, created by Nathália Sodré and based on a short story, continues to tell the story of Luiza — played by Priscila Reis — and Valentina — played by Buiar Priscila —, two law students from completely different backgrounds who fall in love in the first place. Luiza must now confront a number of emotional problems this season after dealing with love, memory loss, and a search for her history.
There’s a lot more to digest in the second season since Luiza is coming to terms with the idea that her amnesia caused her to forget how she got up married to Valentina, that a decade has passed, and that she must trust how Valentina says they met, fell in love, and what her manner should be. What could be the cause of Luiza’s inability to recognize her genuine feelings as she becomes more involved with Valentina?
Stupid Wife Season 2 Episode 2 Release Date
Ponto Aço Produçes will release the second episode of the sophomore season of this Brazilian web series on their YouTube page on May 25, 2023, at 20:00 hours Brazil Standard Time. “Consequence” is the name of the next episode. Each episode is approximately 25 to 30 minutes long.
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Where To Watch Stupid Wife?
Stupid Wife episodes are released on the Ponto Aço Produçes YouTube account and Bilibili, a regional streaming site that you may access globally with your email and credit card. Past episodes, as well as seasonal specials, are also available on YouTube and BiliBili. Furthermore, if Bilibili is prohibited in your country or if YouTube has geographical restrictions, use a VPN to see the episodes.
Stupid Wife Season 2 Episode 1 Recap
“Silence,” the first episode of Stupid Wife’s sophomore season, starts up months after the Christmas special in which Valentina had that feud with her mother, the ceasefire, and the awkward scene at the dinner table. We watch how Valentina and Luiza are getting along on a daily basis, with Valentina controlling the relationship while Luiza realizes a few things.
For starters, Valentina influences much of her feelings, demeanor, and expectations. So, although everything appears to be going well, Luiza begins to experience what appears to be an identity crisis. She can’t recall anything and is searching for answers at the back of her mind.
It’s not just the emotional aspects, but also the functional aspects; simple tasks like driving appear to be taking an emotional toll on Luiza; aside from the obvious memory loss, amnesiac patients also have a level of mental instability and executive dysfunctions for everyday issues because their hard drive, if you think of their memory in that way, was wiped clean.
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We witness part of this when Valentina is talking to a friend in her living room, and Luiza comes in from therapy distraught and emotionally disconnected, which also affects Valentina because she cares about her.
Despite the tough moments, the two appear to become closer and more emotionally linked at times, but it’s as if everything with these two is an emotional rollercoaster. How Luiza’s search for purpose affects their relationship will undoubtedly influence how the upcoming episodes of this web series evolve.