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Scam of so many crores in ST bus in Gujarat, complaint filed against secretary

Big officials misuse their power to make money. Today a very surprising case has come to the fore. Another written complaint has been lodged against this secretary. It has been said in the written complaint that a huge scam has been committed by the Secretary in the ST Corporation.

A written complaint was lodged in the Chief Minister’s Office on the 10th. Thereafter, during further investigation, a bank guarantee of Rs. Then an application for renewal was made by the developer but this guarantee was not made by the developer. After this the bank took action to withdraw its money, which turned out to be a scam of Rs 4 crore 37 lakh. To take advantage of the fear at that time, MD AJ Haider, the owner of the IR, had incurred a loss of Rs 4 crore for not taking a guarantee from the bank against the rules.

After this further investigation is being done on COBA in ST Corporation. It has been nine months since this corruption happened but the exact details have not been released yet.

RR Pandey had complained about the whole matter from the corporation level to the notice of everyone. Application is being made by RR Pandey to CM for further investigation. And there is a demand to settle it on an immediate basis. The youth said that if the right person is investigated, a solution can be found on an immediate basis.

Further investigation later revealed that some people were exploiting the scavengers employed by the ST Corporation by paying them less than the minimum wages.

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