The actor has reacted to Bollywood actor Aamir Khan’s film ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’ which is facing controversy across the country. Regarding the trend of boycotting his film, Aamir Khan said, I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. People who don’t watch my films, I respect their words and feelings, what more can I say, but I must say that making a film takes a lot of work. So more and more people watch my movie. Hope you like the movie.
Regarding Lal Singh Chadha’s boycott, Aamir Khan said…
Amir said,
I am very nervous at this time. It’s been 48 hours, I haven’t slept. I’m not kidding. I really can’t sleep. My brain is on high speed, so whether I read a book or play online chess, I can sleep only after August 11.
Kangana Ranaut is suffering from dengue, instead of resting she is working hard on the film sets
It should be noted that Aamir Khan has been targeted by trollers for the film ‘Lal Singh Chadha’ for the past few days. 2015 Aamir Khan Interview for ‘Lal Singh Chadha’ by Users. Aamir Khan, however, said that his wife Kiran Rao had said that intolerance was growing in the country and that he should leave the country. Now users have trolled the actor a lot over this statement. Which is affecting his films.
Despite all this, Aamir said that the film has been made with a lot of hard work. The picture that is made by the efforts of hundreds of people. That is why the expectations of the audience about the film are very high. We tell you that Aamir Khan’s controversial film Lal Singh Chadha is a Hindi remake of Hollywood film Forrest Gump. The film will be released tomorrow i.e. August 11 on the day of Raksha Bandhan.
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