Priyanka Chopra is the Jagannath of Bollywood but her coin is also circulating in the world of Hollywood and some pictures are becoming very viral on social media in which she is seen in front open dress.
On Monday, Priyanka Chopra was spotted at a very famous jewelery brand event in Paris. Hollywood’s famous actress Anne and Lisa were together.
Priyanka looked very beautiful in an orange color dress. Seeing her in this dress, her fans have once again gathered around her and according to the information it has come to the fore that it is around Rs 2 lakh to Rs 2 lakh.
Priyanka shared a photo with a Hollywood celebrity on social media and it is seen in the photo that she is having a lot of fun.
Priyanka Chopra has been spotted in Paris after wrapping up the shooting of her upcoming film. Now she can be seen in the next film White Tiger with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif.
With the help of surrogacy, today Priyanka Chopra has become the mother of a daughter and looks very happy with her family.
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