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Next in Fashion Season 3 Release Date: Will It Happen? Latest Renewal Status Update


Next in Fashion is a competition hosted by designer Tan France and newcomer supermodel Gigi Hadid that fans can watch on Netflix. The structure is relatively standard, with participants seeking to win a $200,000 cash prize and become the next big thing in fashion.

Season two returns after a lengthy absence from the site, as Netflix had first canceled the show but then changed its mind. Supporters hope they will not have to wait as long for another season or its future will not be in doubt.

Will There Be a Season 3 of Next in Fashion?

There is currently no confirmation. Next in Fashion will return for a third season, but we should also not give up hope!

How Many Next in Fashion Seasons Are There?

Next in Fashion is now available on Netflix in two seasons. The first season debuted on the streaming service on January 29, 2020, followed by the second on March 3, 2023. There is no set number of seasons that viewers may expect from the show, which means that this fashion competition could last ten seasons or only these two.

These shows are significantly less expensive and time consuming to develop for Netflix, especially when compared to larger budgets and VFX-heavy projects like Stranger Things. This means it might run for many more seasons as long as the show doesn’t completely flop and can continue to draw judges and contestants.

Next in Fashion Season 3 Trailer

There is no trailer available on the social media platform. Now you can enjoy the trailer for season 2.

Final Words

Next in Fashion is a competition hosted by designer Tan France and supermodel Gigi Hadid that fans can watch on Netflix. The structure is relatively standard, with participants seeking to win a $200,000 cash prize and become the next big thing in fashion. The first season debuted on January 29, 2020, followed by the second on March 3, 2023. There is no set number of seasons that viewers may expect from the show, which could last ten seasons or only these two. The trailer for season 2 is available on the social media platform.

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