The pairing of Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh is much loved. Affectionate pictures and videos of the couple, popularly known as ‘Rohu’, went viral on social media. Gorgeous singer Neha has expressed her love many times, but for the first time she surprised Rohanpreet by inking her mother’s name. An emotional Rohanpreet also called Neha the best wife in the world.
Neha Kakkar gets Rohanpreet’s name tattooed for the first time, Rohanpreet gets emotional
Neha Kakkar shared a video on Instagram. Where he is seen getting tattooed. Neha got a tattoo for the first time. The singer shouts ‘I love you Rohu’ during the production. The video also shows that when Rohanpreet comes to receive Neha, Neha surprises him by showing Rohanpreet’s name tattoo on her arm. Finally, Neha is seen saying that she won’t go away from me now, will she?
Neha surprised Rohanpreet Singh
Rohanpreet Singh gets emotional with Neha Kakkar’s style. Rohanpreet wrote in this loving style of his wife, ‘You are the best wife.. Isri duniya cha tera warga koi hi ko ni sakda. I love you the most’. Neha’s singer sister Sonu Kakkar also expressed her love, while brother Tony Kakkar wrote ‘best daughter and best wife’. Fans are also writing ‘True Love’ in this loving style of Neha. Also pray for the happiness of this couple.
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Let us tell you that on Valentine’s Day, Rohanpreet gave Neha Kakkar a loving surprise by getting Neha Kakkar’s name tattooed on her hand. This time Neha gave him a surprise. Neha and Rohanpreet got married on 24 October 2020.
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