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Knowing the fact that banana-milkshake can be bad for your health will change your habits too

Disadvantages of banana shake

For health also some things are highlighted, which can prove harmful to our health. One of these is the banana-milk shake. Gym trainers often advise thin people to include banana-milkshake in their diet. In summer, most people prefer it over other shakes. But few people know that eating banana and milk together is also bad for health. Let’s find out how.

Knowing the fact that banana-milkshake can be bad for your health will change your habits too

Eating milk and bananas doesn’t give you the same benefits. Ayurveda is the most powerful weapon of our India, which cures the diseases of the world. According to him, bananas contain fiber and milk is high in calcium. Because of which you cannot eat banana and milk together. Its consumption has profound effects on hormones. Due to which the mind also gets affected.

Disadvantages of banana shake

Ayurveda prohibits mixing liquids with any food. According to Ayurveda, banana and milk are such a combination. Which produces toxic substances in the body. Due to which the hormones of the body are damaged. Its consumption can invite various diseases in the body.

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After pregnancy, women are forbidden to take certain things to protect their baby very well. In such situation you should be aware of what you should eat and what you should not eat, you should not eat milk and banana to take good care of children. Its consumption can increase the amount of toxic substances in the body. It can increase the risk of allergies as well as many diseases. This can have a profound effect on the child.

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