Many times you must have also seen that we can see advertisements on our mobiles in our home in the second moment of what we are talking about. Sometimes it seems like it’s just a coincidence that Google listens to all of us.
Usually Android phones have Google Voice Assistant feature, which you can activate by saying OK Google. You can also access Google Voice Search by clicking on the mic icon on your smartphone. But there is a question in the minds of people whether the mic is on or not, Google listens to everything.
Imagine you say something to a friend about selling your car. You don’t even have to say this over the phone and only you have the phone. However, it seems that from the very next day, advertisements related to the sale of vehicles will start showing on its mobile browser and Facebook. Is it just a coincidence that Google keeps listening to us? According to people, there are many occasions when we discuss an issue and we start seeing its advertisement.
In such a situation, it is a bit difficult to give the right answer to this question, but still you should be careful. Actually, companies like Google and Facebook stay away from the fact that they listen to anyone. The companies say that they do not interfere with anyone’s privacy. According to Google’s privacy policy, they do not record our conversations without permission.
In this case, the only defense is that you use applications that do not have access to the microphone.
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