In Surat, the young man teased the girl to take a bath in the lift, but the girl showed understanding and saved her reputation.
A very shocking case has come to the fore in Surat today where Sageera was raped by breaking the lift suddenly in Dindoli area of Surat. Sagira was only 18 when she left home. At the same time a young man came in the lift and started harassing her and then pushed her to take a bath. But the girl came to her senses after running away and pressed the lift button. As soon as the door opened, the young man left.
The whole incident happened when the girl was going to worship at Mataji’s temple when suddenly she got down from the lift. Notably, the boy was only 18 years old. The entire incident was reported to the girl’s family. After this, the girl’s family informed the police after checking the CCTV cameras. Since then the search for the youth has been resumed.
According to CCTV, the girl was walking in the lift when suddenly the young man entered the lift. And started troubling the girl but immediately the girl pressed the switch and parked the lift there. The entire incident has been reported to the police station. the police has started to investigate.
Post In Surat, the young man teased the girl to take a bath in the lift, but the girl showed understanding and saved her reputation. first appeared Gujarat Kesari ,
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