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If you have bad breath after eating raw onions, this recipe will cure this problem

Onion breath smell big

People who like to eat raw onion in salad also avoid eating it in parties or celebrations. This is because of bad breath after eating it. Yes, the smell of onion does not go away from the mouth even after several hours of eating raw onions.

If you have bad breath after eating raw onions, this recipe will cure this problem

However, onions contain many essential nutrients like vitamins, folic acid and fiber that provide many health benefits. But the sulfur present in onions causes bad breath. Because of the smell of onions, people do not feel shy to eat them and open their mouths in front of others. If you do something similar, try these effective remedies to get rid of bad breath after eating onions.

Eating mint after eating onions reduces the effect of sulfur found in onions. Consuming mint leaves, which are rich in chlorophyll properties, rids the mouth of bacteria. You can drink mint tea or juice to remove bad breath.

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How to remove onion smell from mouth instantly


You can eat parsley or parsley to get rid of onion smell quickly. Apart from removing bad breath, onion also keeps the mouth fresh. Ajwain can also be consumed along with chewing tulsi leaves to get rid of bad breath.


Drinking milk removes the smell of raw onion. The fat in it reduces the smell. For this you can gargle with milk.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water and drink to get rid of raw onion smell. Remember, some people may be harmed by consuming it. In such cases, definitely take expert opinion before consuming it.

chewing gum

You can also chew chewing gum after eating onions to get rid of the bad smell of raw onions. It promotes saliva production in your mouth. According to a report by the American Dental Association, chewing sugar-free chewing gum 20 minutes after a meal reduces the risk of tooth decay.

green tea

Green tea is considered a herbal drink. Drinking green tea after meals not only helps in digestion but also helps in eliminating bad breath.

Fennel and Cardamom

Chewing fennel and cardamom after eating onion can get rid of bad breath. You will get more benefits if you consume turmeric with hot water.


Lemon has antibacterial properties. Which is very effective in removing the smell of raw onion. You can mix lemon juice in lukewarm water and drink it after eating.

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