Bollywood’s most famous actor Akshay Kumar’s film Rakshabandhan is being discussed a lot on social media. The fans of Akshay Kumar are eagerly waiting for this film. The trailer of Akshay Kumar’s film has shaken everyone. Everyone is watching the trailer of this film and praising it. And the film is being discussed a lot on Twitter.
#rakshabandhan trailer Just a wonderful family entertainer is coming up with emotions and strong characters. #Akshay Kumar
— shiv chaudhary (@shivch91059449) 21 June 2022
The trailer of Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film Rakshabandhan has been released and everyone is giving their opinion as well as some people are also giving their feedback on this trailer and everyone is very fond of this trailer and it is considered an emotional film. has been. Also many Bollywood actors have talked about this film and Akshay Kumar has played a very good role in this film.
Masterpiece ,,….. Celebrate the love of brothers and sisters
#rakshabandhan trailer Akshay Kumar– Manoj Mewada (anManoj_Mewada_) 21 June 2022
Akshay Kumar’s next film Rakshabandhan will release on August 11 in which he is playing a very important role with Bhumi Pednekar. Aamir Khan’s film Lal Singh Chaddha will also be released in theaters on August 11.
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