Nowadays people pay a lot of attention to online payment. People can easily pay through online payment. There are many methods of online payment. Online payment can also be done through credit card and debit card. However, there are many other benefits of credit cards. With a credit card, people can first pay for anything and then pay the credit card bill as per the due date. However, due to some carelessness, many times people have also suffered loss of credit cards.
Be careful when using credit cards! it can be taken carelessly
Actually, many people nowadays have credit cards. There are also some precautions to be taken while using a credit card. If you are a little careless with your credit card, then you can also be cheated. In such a situation, some things should be kept in mind while using a credit card, so that any kind of loss can be avoided.
Credit card risk management
take care of them
- Do not give credit cards to anyone. Always carry it with you.
– Read warnings and credit card monthly statements carefully.
– Do not use your credit card on any suspicious websites and apps.
If your card is stolen or lost, notify your bank immediately.
Do not share your credit card PIN with anyone.
– Keep changing the PIN of the credit card. Change your credit card PIN at least once in 6 months.
Do not click on any suspicious link which claims that the link has been sent to you by the credit card issuing bank.
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