WhatsApp is expanding its ability to create and join large groups on the messaging platform. This means that you can now add up to 512 participants to a WhatsApp group. Till now this feature was available only for beta users on Android and iOS platforms. For those unfamiliar, the company earlier this year announced a large grouping feature, which includes message responses, a new user interface for voice calls, a global voice note player, and a host of other features.
This feature has been made available to most users today and if you haven’t got it yet, you will probably get it in the next 24 hours. To check if you’ve got any new features, you can try creating a group and checking at the top of the screen how many participants you can add.
This is not the only group feature that WhatsApp users will get this year. The company is also preparing to roll out a community feature that has been in development for some time. WhatsApp has already announced what the feature will do and references to the feature have been seen in some beta updates for Android and iOS smartphones.
According to the company, the community feature will allow users to bring different groups together under one umbrella. This will allow administrators to have better control over multiple groups and allow participants to receive updates sent to the entire community.
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