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Banana peel can bring back the lost color of the face, you will get these benefits

Health benefits of banana peel

Health benefits of banana peel. If you too throw away the banana peel after eating it, you should think twice before doing it next time. Yes, not only banana but also its peel can help you overcome many problems. Banana peels are rich in vitamins B-6, B-12, potassium and magnesium, which are believed to be beneficial in treating many skin related problems. Let’s find out how.

Health benefits of banana peel

Get rid of warts

Banana peel is also very useful to get rid of warts. In fact, one study suggests that certain ingredients in banana peels can help get rid of warts. For this, scratch a piece of banana peel overnight. By following this method regularly, warts can gradually disappear.

Prevent acne

Banana peel has anti-microbial and anti-oxidant properties. These properties can help improve skin by killing acne-causing bacteria. For this, you can grind a banana peel and apply it on your face as a face pack or use the peel directly on the affected skin.

Reduces Wrinkles

The anti-microbial (kills bacteria) and anti-oxidant (helps in skin repair) properties present in banana peel can provide beneficial results in curing many skin related problems as well as reducing wrinkles.

Protect from ultra violet rays

According to experts, phenolic compounds are found in high amount in banana peel. Studies have also indicated that phenolic compounds may be helpful in protecting the skin from UV rays. This is why it is believed that regular use of banana face pack on the face can protect against the UV rays of the sun.

Brighten teeth

If your teeth are yellow, you can use banana peels to brighten them like pearls. Banana peels are rich in potassium, magnesium and manganese. It is absorbed into the teeth and helps to make them whiter and brighter. For this remedy, take a piece of banana peel and rub it on your teeth for a few minutes.

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