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Announcement of the name of Chief Minister of 2023, Jitu Vaghan said in LD College, know the name who will be the next Chief Minister

Speaking at a public forum yesterday at LD Engineering College in Ahmedabad, Gujarat’s education minister and spokesperson Jitubhai Vaghan said Bhupendra Patel would be the next chief minister. A huge program was organized in this college in which the Chief Minister himself was also present. At that time the face of the next Chief Minister has once again been exposed by Jitubhai Vaghan.

A huge celebration was organized today to commemorate the completion of 3 years of LD Engineering College. Several political leaders including the Chief Minister participated in the function.

This college was established on 18th and today it is providing quality education in Gujarat and students come from far and wide to get their higher education and today the name of this college is in the forefront.

A grand program was organized in this college in which about 200 alumni as well as several members of the faculty including students were invited. A huge celebration was planned for three days.

After the completion of the ceremony, plantation was done in the entire college, in which the festival was concluded by doing yoga on the third day.

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